Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on the Body Image Standards of Health and Beauty

Analytical Essay Sample on the Body Image Standards of Health and Beauty What is the average weight? What is healthy? How do these two things compare to the standards society has on health and beauty today? What do you see when you look in the mirror? And why don’t people see regular people in fashion TV advertisements? I personally think that advertisers should introduce people of all weight sizes into the fashion advertisements. Throughout history, women’s roles have been to make themselves as attractive to others as possible. Although fashion and physical values have changed over time, this drive has remained constant. The recent change of women’s extreme thinness has become a topic of concern in the health department. This issue starts as early as the first day a person was born. Gender differences, the surrounding environment, and the pressure of ideal image are almost impossible to escape due mostly to the everyday occurrences that one encounters. Roberta Seid’s â€Å"Too ‘Close to the Bone’: The Historical Context for Women’s Obsession with Slenderness† discusses both present ideals and those of previous time periods, as well as the negative effects these standards have had on women. Andy Vu’s â€Å"The Struggle for a Healthy Body Image† presents a similar topic, but it’s related specifically to both male and female college students. S. Almond’s â€Å"The Influence of the Media on Eating Disorders† tries to make the point of how everyone was made to be unique. Almond says that products are often advertise to promote the ideal body image. A lecture by Susan Rausch touched on both college students and society as a whole, offering statistical data on eating disorders and societal views on physical appearance. And In Ann Marie Cussins â€Å"The Role of Body Image in Women’s Mental Health† she discusses the issue from a standpoint aspect. Rausch begins her speculation with a question: Why is it that people treasure variations in the magnificence of nature, but not in the concept of beauty in ourselves? Each expert comments the fact that over the past 40 years, the representations of beauty such as models, actresses, and Miss America, have been getting thinner and thinner. These symbols of perfect beauty are wearing sizes 1, 0 and even smaller (Vu 1), portraying only the thinnest 5 to 10 percent of Americas that fit in this size category (Seid 479). Each agrees that the current average American is now considered â€Å"overweight†. However, Seid and Raush support this statement with statistics: 90 to 95 percent of women do not feel they meet the â€Å"standard†, leading millions of women to think abnormal of themselves (Seid 479). Rausch mentioned that 47 percent of women with normal weight feel they are overweight (Raush’s speech outline 3). Seid mentions that women’s self-image successfulness, and survival could be determine mostly by the way the look. As for men, success is based on how they act and what they accomplish (Seid 480). The way a person looks and their personality determines the person they are able to interact with. In society today, women are viewed as beautiful and vulnerable whereas men are classified as strong and powerful. Cussins explains that women are unconsciously dissatisfied with their motherly role toward daughters (Cussins 2). One of Cussins’s patient talk about her unhappiness with the problem of bulimia, and how bulimia effected the relationship with her mother and family. The patient tries to develop a healthy diet to make her mother happy but she throws up everything she eats or she will feel depressed. Not only is it hard for the patient but also for the mother since she feels that her child is communicating less in-depth with her (Cussins 110-111). This only one of few effe cts that a person has to deal with if he or she tries to achieve the ideal weight. Almond said that â€Å"constant media pressures can lead to body dissatisfaction, which may result in distorted eating patterns†. He also says that the media portraits the â€Å"ideal figure†, making women think that they are overweight because they don’t look like the person in the advertisement, resulting in body dissatisfaction. He points out that products are advertise displaying the ideal body image in hope that people will purchase the product thinking that they are also going to look like that person in the display. Trying to achieve this can lead to â€Å"depression, stress, guilt, shame, insecurity, unhappiness, and lower self-confidence† (Almond 367). The most recent transformation in clothing styles have also played a key role as well; Seid states that the more revealing fashion allows no compensation for the body â€Å"underneath†. With men the issue tend s to be on a different side of the spectrum: bigger is better. In the attempt to â€Å"bulk up† and play the man’s role, many turn to the use of steroids, which are harmful to the body and can produce many serious problems, including cancer (Vu 3). We must now look at the main problems in order to find a way to solve this problem, it has already become a social disease and people need to realize that trying to achieve the â€Å"ideal size† is almost impossible (Vu 3), and even if they do, the damages they do to their bodies can make them feel worse than when the first started to lose weight, it could even lead to death. The question that remains is weather the advertisement individuals and institutions have truly looked into, and understood, the effects of such ideal standards, and when, or if, changes will ever take place. The aftermath that occurs while trying to aim for the so called ‘ideal’ image. And how family and friends affect the way you feel about your body. In the attempt to become the â€Å"perfect† woman, each expert holds that many put themselves trough both psychological and physical pain. Though they each emphasize eating disorders, they do so in different ways. Seid speaks of eating disorders on a whole, relating them to current dieting practices. She states that effects of deprivation can be found in many dieters: tension, irritability, pre-occupation with food, and exhaustion are all present (Seid 478). Vu asserts that a lack of nutrition can lead to the consequence of disorders such as anorexia and bulimia: anorexia can force the body to start feeding on itself, bulimia can cause damage to the teeth and esophagus, and both are life threatening (Vu 3). When the person tries to starve itself to lose weight the body might develop anorexia and bulimia; causing the individual to throw up everything he or she might eat. Men use steroids in to deal with body dissatisfactions. Excess of this drug may lead to â€Å"brain cancer, liver damage and heart attacks†, even young healthy men can be effected (Vu 3). The question now lies on whether or not the person pays a high price in trying to achieve the ‘ideal’ image. All of the experts say the price is not worth it. Rausch states in Vu’s article that the advertising industry promotes a body image that is â€Å"biologically† impossible to achieve and â€Å"live up to† (Vu 3). Seid says that â€Å"numerous studies demonstrate that the majority of the â€Å"fat† cannot slim down permanently. The problem is not their lack of willpower, but the unreasonable expectation placed on them to weight a certain amount† (Seid 478). I personally think that the effects of trying to achieve the â€Å"ideal† image is not worth paying the price for. The person is damaging the body instead of trying to help it. Some people lose weight only to gain it back later, so what is the point of doing it. I think that each person has a different body type and metabolism, some people can’t lose weight even if they try to, leaving them depressed and anxious in the â€Å"journey† towards the perfect body. Bulimia and anorexia are horrible diseases to deal with because of the things they do to the body. I’m not suggesting that if your fat, you can’t exercise or live a healthy life, I think this can be achieved. Just look at the line men playing football, summon wrestlers, they are â€Å"big† but at the same time they are healthy. People cannot just look at the body from the outside, but from the inside. Skinny people are not always healthy, sometimes they are malnourish, or have diseases s uch as the ones pointed out by Vu, anorexia and bulimia. Media has greatly influence people into falling into the trap of what is in style and what is not. Teenage girls are affected by compulsion to receive a degree of thinness that they see in models (Cussins 2). Women who look at fashion magazines wanted to weight less and are more worry about getting fatter than the women who read news magazines (Rausch 3). â€Å"There has been a shift in the media portrayal of the ‘ideal’ body size for women, from the voluptuous curved figure of Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s to a thinner ‘waif-like’ look of Kate Moss in the 1980s† (Almond 367). Over the years the media advertising models have been getting thinner and thinner; making women more dissatisfied because they want to look like that â€Å"girl† in the advertisement. The media have developed the ideal body shape in the hope that it will create more sales of the product that they are trying to sell. But it seems like the advertisement and media industries a re not caring about how a person feels in trying to achieve the ideal body. By promoting the ideal body the media contribute to eating disorders (Almond 367). I believe that the media is the most contributing factor to this problem. They have develop the ideal image of what a person should look like but most of it is false advertisement. I never see a â€Å"fat† person on TV advertising about a beauty product or a new fashion design. When you flip the pages of most magazines all you see is thin women advertising the new Victoria’s Secret new collection. Why doesn’t the media use people of all sizes in their advertisements to fill up the needs of all people. I’m not saying I don’t like the present people in the advertisements, to be honest, as a man I like to see â€Å"hot† women in advertisements but we have to look at the reality: that the people need to see more variety of â€Å"sizes† to satisfy the kinds of people who are looking for something like them, and not making them feel bad because they are looking at something that is â€Å"impossible† to achieve. Now the question that remains is how can we start solving this problem of the ‘ideal’ imagine. Short says that â€Å"Once society starts to realize that society’s stereotypes are just stereotypes, and actually not ideal situations, then people will start to find a cure† (Vu 3). Seid suggest that â€Å"we recultivate our tastes and find a saner middle ground where our bodies can round out with more life, flesh, and health; where we can relish the fruits of our prosperity without self-punishment† (Seid 483). Seid also says that people must get rid or the thought of the ‘ideal’ image, â€Å"because it is misguided and destructive†, she says (Seid 484). Cussins suggest that psychotherapist need a new approach in treating eating disorders. Cussins says that many doctors threat the eating disorder as a second symptom to the eating disorder, making the patient have to come to many visits in a lengthy recuperation. The problem is that the lengthy treatment has a high drop out rate. â€Å"A specialized service where a woman feels that her initial contact gives her hope through feeling that someone is immediately making sense of her problems would avoid the high drop-out rate of those who take a tentative first step†, Cussin suggest (Cussing 113-114). I agree with all the suggestions that have been made by all of the experts, a therapy that understands the patient’s psychological problem with weight needs to be an option for the patient, not just one therapy that looks at the problem from the â€Å"outside†. Having the support of family and friends should also help the person accept who they are. This is very important because sometimes even family members put the person down, and the family is the most important thing in a person’s life. If the person does not have the support of the family than it is going to be even harder for he or she to deal with the problem of the ‘ideal’ obsession. And finally, I think the media contribute the most damage to the ‘not ideal’ people. When I’m watching TV all I see in the fashion advertisements is thin models, not only on television but also in most fashion magazines. I am not â€Å"fat†, but I can not even imagine how an â€Å"ever size† person feels when they see mostly thin people advertising something that is: not fitting for them, too small, or just not their â€Å"taste†. I think that the media should advertise products, and fashion for all types of people: thin, oversized, pretty, ugly. This way of advertising would please all stereotypes, and I honestly think that it would help reduce the problem that itself has created: the â€Å"ideal image†. The obsession over thinness has been in the past, is here in the present, and will be in the future. Based on the sources synthesized, if people don’t do something soon to change this â€Å"ideology†, it will take many centuries to get over something that has evolved for hundreds of years. Fashion, media, family members, and peer pressure will continue to be major factors in the obsession with slenderness. As a result, as long as these issues are still here, the dangerous aftermath will continue to plague Americans for centuries to come: â€Å"We stand poised between a past for which we have lost respect and a future we must now struggle to envision† (Seid 485).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cv and Resume Gor International Job Seekers Essays

Cv and Resume Gor International Job Seekers Essays Cv and Resume Gor International Job Seekers Essay Cv and Resume Gor International Job Seekers Essay Abbas Niroomand Address: Apt. 1, No. 187, Lane 18/1, Zargari St. , Shiraz, Iran (Holding Canadian Permanent Visa) Telephone: 0098 711 628 7613 Mobile – 0098 917 551 3580 E-mail: Niroomand. [emailprotected] com DoB: 11/09/75 Nationality: Iranian Education 1999-2002 B. S. degree in Power Electrical Engineering, Kazeroon Azad University, Iran 1994-1997 Associate degree in Power Electrical Technician, Shiraz State University, Iran Work Experience 2009- Date South Pars Gas Complex, Phase 2 amp; 3, Assaluyeh, Iran.I worked as a Utility Supervisor in the fields below; * Cooperated and supervised the overhaul of nitrogen plant and air compressors. * Participating in design a part of a project along with supervision on construction phase as client representative * Supervised plant operations from control room (DCS) and site. * Monitored the available safety information and reacted to the events. * Maintained a log of all activities carried out during assigned shift. * Ensured all equipment was operated, started and stopped in accordance with procedures. 007-2009 South Pars Gas Complex, Phase 2 amp; 3, Assaluyeh, Iran. I worked as a Power Plant Supervisor in the fields below; * Cooperated and supervised the overhaul of four gas turbine generators which their blades were damaged during running. * Provision of details drawings and related technical specifications and procedures * Preparing the list of electrical documents which needed to be issued * Cooperated in major overhaul of all electrical devices on the site in management and preparation of their work permission. 003-2007 South Pars Gas Complex, Phase 2 amp; 3, Assaluyeh, Iran. I worked as a Power Plant Operator in the fields below; * Participating in pre-commissioning of steam turbine generators by Total Fina Elf. * Participating in commissioning of steam turbine and gas turbine generators by Total Fina Elf. * Nominated as the best employee in safety rules follower* Applied and verified the conformity of new issues or modified procedures 2000-2003 South Pars Gas Complex, Phase 2 amp; 3, Assaluyeh, Iran. I worked as a Site Operator in the fields below; Filled the utilities amp; offsite shift log book. * Followed-up the work permits in force on the plant during assigned shift. * Started and stopped pumps and rotating equipment in accordance with setting procedures. * Started, Controlled and stopped gas turbines and steam turbines. * Participating in commissioning of sulfur recovery unit. Other Skills and Certifications * H2S Confined Space Lock Out/Tag Out Excavation First Aid and CPR†¦fire extinguish, * PDCS operation conducted by Alstom (on the job training). DCS operation conducted by Yokogawa in Japan. * EDG (Emergency Diesel Generator) operation conducted by Iveco group. * Turbine fundamental course. * Mark V * Completed the Management Core Course run by Total Fina Elf. * Crisis and Emergency situation Management Course. * UPS structure course. Personal Interests Being enthusiastic about Gas field and power plant profession in skills such as; * Power and Nitrogen plant operation * Turbine start up * Utility plant commissioning and overhaul * Safety rules

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gun control in my community and nationally Research Proposal

Gun control in my community and nationally - Research Proposal Example According to Guns and Crime 2012, the policies and laws regarding gun control are different within states in the USA making it hard to streamline the problem nationally. Nationally, the provisions under the second amendment are also broad meaning that it has contributed to the acceptance of the gun culture in America. The film and video gaming industries in America is also another avenue that contributes to this societal problem as this industry has painted gun violence as a heritage for the American population. With this essay will delve into some of the national and local resources that exist concerning gun control both nationally and locally with an aim on their effectiveness and failure. As it has emerged, gun ownership serves as a portion of the gun control issue, but it is a matter of relevance in combating gun violence. Ideally, many federal states do not allow the legal sale of guns to under age children, which is policy that cuts across many jurisdictions. On the contrary, the fourteenth amendment is also a fundamental area that allows citizens to acquire licensed firearms for self-protection making it possible for innocent civilians to take charge of their safety. Therefore, this has helped promote equality for the minority groups residing in America because America has developed into a multicultural society. This means that gun ownership does not have restriction to a particular race as it used to be in the colonial days. On the other hand, the policies that exist regarding gun ownership also create a loophole making them subject to review. For instance, the creation of the background checks system in 1993 was one whose intention was to ensure that those that acquire guns are law-abiding citizens and not prior offenders (Guns and Crime 2012). However, proponents argue that this check system should also include those that have prior substance abuse problems and those implicated in domestic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Methodology Chapter in a dissertaion about Teaching English (TESOL) Research Paper

Methodology Chapter in a dissertaion about Teaching English (TESOL) for a British University - Research Paper Example Another method that has been used in a similar study in the past is Comparative Research. This is where a study is done through two or more situations that go hand in hand are compared either as they were in the past or as they are in the present so as to draw a conclusion regarding a given subject matter (Linder, 2004:14). In this respect, the use of ICT in education has been compared between different nations so as to come up with a suitable way of how to implement it in a given nation. This is effective in providing possible challenges and suitable modes of how to deal with them, but it fails in providing a custom made solution of dealing with specific challenges that are faced with the nation in question as no two nations are precisely the same. Another method that has been used in a similar study in the past is Descriptive research. In this method of research, data regarding the subject matter of the study is collected through observations. This method has been suitable in provi ding tailor-made solutions for the specific area of study as observation is a mode of collecting first-hand information about the study area with no contamination from any intermediate receptors of the data (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005:8). The method has however failed to detect possible challenges that might occur which historical information is suitable in revealing. The use of Correlation Research is another method that has been used in a similar study in the past. In this method of research, the study collects information regarding the subject matter and tries to establish the presence of any correlation or relationship between two phenomena in the subject and predicts the manner in which each of the phenomenon would change with a certain change in the other phenomenon (Ryan, 2000:9). This method of research has been effective in providing information regarding the various variables in the subject matter and the way in which they relate to each other. It is however not suitable in detailing how variables can stand independently to solve certain challenges. Another method that has been used in a similar study in the past is Experimental Research. In this method of research various elements of the subject of debate are put in controlled conditions and monitored with certain pre-determined degrees of changes to establish the manner in which they react. This method has been effective in given information regarding small controlled groups of the population under investigation which are taken as a sample group of the entire study group (Blurton, 1999:7). It is however subjected to experimental errors which might lead to the drawing of wrong conclusions regarding the entire target population. Evaluation Research is yet another method that has been used in a similar study in the past. In this method of research, the study investigates the manner in which population groups in say a social setting make good of the situations in which they find themselves in and hence live in harmony. It this subject matter the method of research has been used to investigate the manner in which various societies have made of ICT in their education systems (Becta, 2008:14). It hence comes up with a clear picture of the level of effectiveness or lack of it in the use of ICT in education in a given setting. This method however is not effective in coming up with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Methodology Chapter (2) Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Methodology Chapter (2) - Dissertation Example Figure 2.1 In vitro effects of sildenafil on murine embryo development 2.1.2 In vivo effects of sildenafil on murine embryo development This part of the experiment was not conducted due to requirement for changes in the license. However, the in vivo effects on the development of oocyte would have been examined by injecting sildenafil on female mice for a period of four days with the following three doses: 0.5 mg/kg, 1.5mg/kg and 2.5mg/kg. Afterwards, the female mice would be mated naturally with males; then one-day old zygotes would be harvested from sacrificed females. The number of oocytes and corpora lutea recorded would be used to determine the rate of ovulation. Thereafter, the embryos would be grown to blastocysts again in a media not supplemented with sildenafil. The quality of development of the embryos would then be determined by examining their development rate, and assessing the numbers of the blastocyst cells (figure 2.2). Figure 2.2 In Vivo effects of sildenafil on murin e embryo development 2.1.3 Expression of PDE5a in the mouse pre-implantation embryo The experiment was conducted by examining the presence of PDE5 mRNA in murine embryos at the successive stages of embryo development. The embryos used for study were obtained from mice that had been mated naturally. On the other hand, the blastocysts had been cultured in standard conditions. 2.2 Sildenafil Citrate purification from commercially available Viagra tablets In both the in vitro and in vivo experiments, sildenafil had been cleansed from commercially available Viagra tablets by leaving 20g sephadex G-25 overnight to swell in 100ml of distilled water. A column of 80ml was then applied with the sephadex gel and equilibrated in 100ml of distilled water at room temperature. A Viagra tablet of 38mg was then placed in 91.2ml of distilled water and slowly mixed with a magnetic stirrer at room temperature for a period of twenty minutes. It was then filtered for 20 minutes under a temperature of 4 d egrees Celsius. The liquid in which sildenafil has been dissolved was then applied on the column. The column was rinsed with the Viagra solution just before it was flushed with 400ml of water to wash away any possible small molecules. This way, only sildenafil was left precipitated to resin. The column was then applied with 1% Formic acid to rinse the sildenafil off. The absorbance of the rinsed solution was then observed and according to Francis et al. (2003), the rinsed sildenafil had a sharp peak absorbance at 40ml (Figure 3.1). Figure 3.1 Elution of pure sildenafil from sephadex column After sildenafil was rinsed, the column was washed again with 160ml or distilled water to eliminate the formic acid. After the column was free of formic acid, it was then washed with 320ml of 0.2% sodium azide in order to preserve it for later use. The rinsed sildenafil was then frozen at temperatures of -80 degrees Celsius. It was then dried by freezing it in a high vacuum. This was done by first sublimating the contents for a period of 8 hours at 0.37 mbar and under a temperature of -53 degrees Celsius, then desorbing it at 0.001 mbar for 3 hours. The weight of the crystallized contents was determined by examining the rate of absorbance of sildenafil over the whole sildenafil that had been eluted, assuming that there had been a recovery rate of 60%. The eluted sildenafil was then dissolved in 0.1% formic acid in order to obtain the normal concentration of refined

Friday, November 15, 2019

Strategic Options for Organisations

Strategic Options for Organisations Part A Identify a strategic option for an organisation. Develop at least three proposed organisational goals for the strategic plan in consultation with: Stakeholders. Stakeholders refer to individuals and groups that have interest in the organisation and/or its products or services. Stakeholders may include but are not limited to – customers, suppliers, owners, shareholders, lenders, managers, employees, employee organisations, local community, competitors, and regulatory bodies. In line with stakeholder needs, and With reference to any existing strategic plan. Organisation: Linguis International Institute Auckland (A) To implement Biometric system for the year 1/2014-2015 to check it in initial 2 months with respect to machine working. It is used for security of information and check/authentificaton of information and utilizing thumb print and saving it to get complete profile about the student. (B)To implement Model system of learning for next 2 years (online) and to be check in initial 6 months whether arrangement is on suitable way or not (C) Using the Biometric system – this can be used for regular attendance to be kept up for a academic year and dependability of time (maintained) from 9 am to 4pm from Wednesday to Friday up to September of 2013. And the percentage of attendance should not be low than 75 percent. 2. Identify at least three strategic options through results of an environmental analysis that are consistent with the organisation’s purpose, direction and values . Environmental analysis of three strategic options through swot analysis that are predictable with organisation, purpose ,directions and values: (S)trengths Wi-Fi and computer facility is provided. Lingui’s international institute is authorised by NZQA The college finds issues of scholars and they will the help the students by giving plans . (W)eaknesses The Wi-Fi speed is very slow because there are many student use the internet at the same time. Condition of chairs and tables are not good. The surface of liguis international institute is limited in comparison with other colleges. (O)pportunities There should be a debate on topics of business management at the end of the classes. Lingui’s international institute should also start a new college in capital on New Zealand. The linguis college ought to keep separate exam and interview to students to give admission by video call interview. (T)hreats Here the scholars are high in number for each level of class so there ought to be just constrained in number and it ought to be 10 to 12. The hygienic kitchen is not kept up every time as a result of that any sorts of flus or viral diseases we can get. 3.Determine the feasibility of strategic options in terms of the ability to meet the three proposed organisational goals (Q1). You must select the two most feasible options from Q1 with consultation with at least two stakeholders. (a) Model system of learning through online in consultation with stake holder lee Model system means we live n era of advanced computer technology. Learning is supported by data and technological correspondence. Each student must be mindful of e learning that is not restricted to obtaining of IT fitness yet is utilized within much reason through software, web, and seeking through different sites. The student when he goes to the school he must be given a login id in regards to web learning where student ought to login into that so he can get every information in that login school website. Usage of this system might benefit from structural approach, actualizing time to time and student could be assessed. (B) Attendance and promptness of time through records in conference with lee- If the learner needs to take leave he ought to inform the school by doing telephone call to principal or keeping E-mail to teacher. If student wont go to the school normally or in nonattendance the administration can make disciplinary move by charging punishment some amount of dollars for starting warning and second warning incorporates they can any disciplinary movement by rusticating and withdrawn of admission. The immigration of nz is having a complete profile of scholar and learner should to keep up normal attendance and he ought not do work more than 20 according to immigration rules during coming to school. (c) Biometric system in discussions with stake holder need harry randhawa- Here biometric system refers to a machine which is used for control ,verification and storage of data. The biometric system is valuable for institution where if scholar comes late to the school the machine wont accept the attendance. it is composed in such a way, to the point that according to school timings and the machine programming and programmer ought to be planned and introduced according to school timings and guidelines. The attendance must be kept up through biometric system where students thumb impression is taken by the machine day by day morning, evening and in the departure from the school evening time. The two most feasible options are for further analysis in consultation with at least two stakeholders in terms of: Costs Benefits Risks. The feasibility of options in ability to meet proposed organisation for further analysis with two stake holders; Costs The online system of learning , it is doable expense for installation and to purchase that software it likewise obliges cost. In different foundations and in different nations they follow model learing .this might be affordable by administration and where it is of less cost and not time taking process so that lecturer and scholar supporter can save his time. The biometric system expense is less for every machine .Its establishment charges are likewise less and the linguis like organization can afford ,because only one machine is needed for a class and executive requires one machine . Benefits The profits of online system is that model learing includes where time saving by instructor and learner ,supporter and administrator where one can enhance his learning and correspondence with online learning. The biometric system benefits includes machine assesses, the checks and confirm the attendance of a scholar and likewise complete profile of student information is saved and time management criteria. Risks: The risk includes is therewith the online system of learning and biometric system where biometric system is a machine costly enough if a person breaks the machine or does any mischievous thing the machine gets harmed and information wont be saved .so cameras in class must be kept to avoid the circumstances. Also online system the information might be hacked by hackers and presenting of virus in that software, to anticipate it antivirus software needed. 4. Select and justify the preferred strategic option identified in Q3 in terms of its ability to meet each of the following: Organisational purpose Organisation direction, and Organisational values. Organisational purpose (a )The organisational purpose primary thing to give the quality of training to international students from everywhere throughout the world who come. (b) The reason for them is the place profession begins and learning this is the principle point of Linguis. Organisation direction (a) To present worldwide learners the New Zealand culture. (b) To give introduction program for the new students in better way. (C) The principle Moto is to direct debates and classes and oral presentation. Organisational values (a) To give close relationship among distinctive religious and culture. (b) The association value is that where carrier and learning begins. (C) To give scholars expert and environment in which to teach and learn. PART B Produce a strategic plan for the implementation of at least one strategic option for an organisation. The strategic plan may be a documented plan or a statement of strategic intent supported by a range of plans. 1. Your plan must include the following necessary actions required to implement the preferred strategic option determined Part A: Resources, Critical outcomes, Timescales and milestones Contingency planning (PC 2.1) Biometric system is a machine it is advanced equipment used by institutions to concentrate on the scholars attendance and time and organizations normal information record , all records saving by using of finger print. Resources The linguis institute is one of the best institute in competition with different colleges which has been sanction by newzealand qualitative authority .In this competitive world the linguis institute needed to implement particular resources to achieve heights in business regarding education. Here to implement the biometric system, To bring this kind of system in institute first Auckland management institution group to hold a meeting and to take a decision about implement this system. At that point they have to speak with managing director to implement this system. The resources required are to speak company agent regarding need 4 machines so to order them and to get it for reasonable price as opposed to real prize. Then to speak with the company manager regarding installation procedure and to be done according to linguis requirements like attendance, time and data saving for 2 years plan. Critical outcomes Critical outcomes are nothing yet a change is required. So institution dependably needs to check like 6 months to verify and to have assessment, estimation about instiution result in every segment and to correct and to come up with new plans and to implement this is itself a change. here institution needs a bio metric machine where it is automatic so no need of running with manual work or separate staff to care for the learners attendance, entry of students to the college and saving of administration documents in regards to day by day work plan each with that of machine simply to use technology is best key alternative and can have correct results. So linguis organization ought to be diverse when compared with other colleges. Timescales and milestones Time scale is the timeline for my bio metric system, a machine to actualize the strategic options for the year 2015 and for 2 years up to 2017 a to be installed in such a way, to the point that while for every college timings and 9 to 5 from Monday to Saturday and attendance plan of software for 2 years work 2017.for like 6 month to bring the machine company individual and to check the working of it and saved information in machine transferring to the floppys and cd writer. Milestones The launch of this system can help in time saving, it is the main miles stone for linguis organization and manual work can be diminished. The biometric use can help in developing threat of identifying theft and making services more advantageous for students, staff and coach by perfect output of the results Today most of the industries and companies are also using this technology. Contingency planning The contingency planning for my biometric framework if my plan fail that mean if a machines gets harmed and can repaired by bringing fittings expert. Like that if records get ruined or virus is there and can bring over to original position by utilizing antivirus of software. so back up plan is ready with the software professional. 2. Your strategic plan must be documented and authorised according to organisational requirements. The strategic plan is that Linguis organization was created in 1996 in Christchurch .Initially foundation runned with 13 students and now at present in 2013 300 scholars are there. Furthermore in Auckland began in year 2012 .The both institute reaction is of managing director and principal they are mike and mae Dawson. The managing director and principal casually meet stake holders especially every 6 months ,business advisory meetings will be held for every 6 month and new Zealand qualitative authority from that one member goes to the occasion meeting to check and confirm with respect to the strategy plan and how they are executing the plans and whether they are keeping up the standard or not. In meetings the advisory committee come up with strategies in meetings and simply to take the plans in meetings and advices into attention . Always for huge investment and for giant kind of projects, long strategic plan is needed in business and to get the exact output. 3.Strategic plan is communicated to stakeholders in a manner that encourages understanding, commitment and enthusiasm. Stake holders of an organization include: The director of studies (lee kammerer) marketing manager (harry randhawa) Faculty of teaching staff (john cook) Students

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The The Wreck of the Medusa Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"In the moonlight’s ghostly glow, I waken in a dream. Once more upon the raft I stand, Upon the raging sea. In my ears the moans and screams Of the dying ring, Somewhere in the darkness The siren softly sings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"The architects of our doom Around their tables sit, And in their thrones of power, Condemn those they’ve cast adrift. Echoes down the city street, Their Harpies laughter rings. Waiting for the curtain call, Oblivious in the wings.† Excerpt from the lyrics, â€Å"The Wake of the Medusa†, By The Pogues â€Å"The Raft of the Medusa†, by Theodore Gericault, 1819, was inspired by the catastrophic wreck of the French frigate, The Medusa, on July 2, 1816, off the west coast of Africa, during a voyage to Senagal. The ship ran aground on the Arguin Reef, in calm seas. In an attempt to preserve the lives of 400 passengers aboard, the crew, soldiers, sailors and passengers built a raft, manned the lifeboats and the raft, and abandoned the Medusa. What followed was a most harrowing experience that would challenge the soul and condemn the government of a world power. In 1816 the newly formed French government sent a small fleet of ships to the British port of Saint-Louis, Senegal, carrying the appointed French Governor, Colonel Julien-Desire Schmaltz and his wife, for the formal return of the colony to France. The fleet consisted of four ships, The Argus, The Loire, The Medusa and The Echo. The Medusa was to transport the governor along with 400 passengers, to re-establish the colony. Soon after departing the Port de Rochefort on June 17, 1816, the Medusa, piloted by an inexperienced captain, Hugues Duroy De Chaumereys, sailed quickly away from the rest of the fleet, leaving The Medusa, her crew and passengers to the mercy of the Atlantic. De Chaumereys, an incompetent sea captain, achieved his high ranking position due to political influences, and affiliation to the French Ministry of the Marine. He had prior experience as a customs officer for more than 20 years, and served against Napoleon, gaining him favor of the new Bourbon government, and disfavor among the crew. He resisted the advice of subordinate officers and the personal experiences of more seasoned sailors and caused the wreck of the Medusa on the Arguin Bank. De Chaumereys attempted to save the Medusa by lightening her load and discarding precious cargo designated for the Senegalese colony, into t... ... in the control of a less than qualified captain, and thus jeopardized the entire fleet, the crew and the contents designed for the colony at Senegal. A cover-up was affected, and Captain De Chaumereys was the person deemed liable and summarily court martialed, ruining his naval career. According to Savigny and Correard, â€Å"†¦men decorated with ribbons of all colors, who counted very well the number of their ancestors, but of whom it would have been useless to ask an account of their studies, being called to superior commands, have not been able to show anything but their orders and their unskilfulness. They have done more, they have had the privilege of losing the vessels and people of the State, without its being possible for the laws to reach them; and after all, how could a tribunal have condemned them? They might have replied to their judges, that they had not passed their time in studying the regulations of the service, or the laws of the marine, and that, if they had failed, it was without knowledge or design. In fact, it would be difficult to suppose that they intended to their own destruction: they have but too well proved that they knew how to provide for their own safety.†

Monday, November 11, 2019

Book Report: The Obsidian Blade Essay

I picked this book because it had the coolest cover of all the books on the list. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I have found that books that do not have cool covers are often quite boring. Like one of the other books just had writing on the cover which guarantees extreme boringness in my opinion. This book is about round circles in the air called diskos that people go through and end up in weird places like on top of a pyramid with priests that stab you in the heart or inside of a whale. It is quite violent at times, which is good because some of the in between parts are kind of boring, but not boring enough to stop reading completely, just boring like waiting for a bus that is late and you’re really bored but also kind of anxious because you really want the bus to show up. The main character is Tucker Flay, and his motivation is mostly that he wants to find his parents who went through this hole. Also, he is trying not to get killed or turned into a zombie. Then this biker guy lives in a black barn and burns off his mustache, and a lot of other stuff happens which is even weirder, like one part where a giant worm starts eating people, and the part where Tucker’s mom goes crazy because she’s addicted to Sudoku. There are no themes, just weird things happening, so I guess the main theme is just weirdness. Mostly, this was an okay book except for the boring parts and the ending which I didn’t get at all. I would recommend it to anyone who likes weird boring books that kind of leave you hanging at the end wondering what just happened.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Batman Essays

Batman Essays Batman Essay Batman Essay l. Batman and Joker represent each others opposite who help balance and define one another through their values and beliefs, abilities, and actions. II. Values and beliefs a. Justice vs. Injustice a. l. Roots a. l. l. Tragic loss of parents lead to Batman a. l. l . a. It took the tragedy of losing your parents to buy you that life Hush (Dini 13) a. l. l . b. i swear, by the spirits of my parents, to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of my life warring on all criminals Bruce Wayne (Chill) a. I. 2. Tragic loss of (pregnant) wife leads to Joker . . 2. a. But I cant do anything tonight. Th-theres no reason anymore Jeannies dead Joker (Moore 23) b. Moral vs. Immoral b. l. Batman cannot kill Coker) b. l. l . Afraid that he will not stop b. l. l . a. If I allow myself to go down to that place, Ill never come back Batman (Red hood) b. l. 2. Against his morals b. l. 2. a. your role models. The beliefs they instilled in you. And think of how the Joker could n ever understand that Gordon (Loeb) b. l. 2. b. you and I have seen more than our fair share of tragedies and thirsted for revenge. If batman wanted to be a killer, he could have started long ago Gordon (Loeb) b. ll. Joker takes lives, assaults, to get results b. ll. l . Jason Todd b. ll. l . a. mioure thinking about when I died. How theres blood on your hand because you couldnt get there in time to stop The Joker from killing me -Jason Todd (Loeb) b. ll. 2. Barbara b. ll. 2. a. He Shot Barbara. Showed me ph-photographs Gordon (Moore 35) b. ll. 3. Ms. Gordon c. Chaos vs. Order C. I. Joker is chaotic; he works towards chaos c. ll. Batman works to create order within Gotham c. . l. Rid Gotham of criminals c. ll. 2. Incarcerate properly c. ll. 2. a. Because Im doing this on by the book and because I dont want to Batman (Moore 43) d. Sanity vs. Insanity d. l. Joker claims that Batman drives him insane d. l. l . IVe been driven literally in. sane. trying to get him to loosen up Joker (Morrison) d. ll. Batman is able to keep a clear head while under pressure d. ll. l . miears, spent memorizing the finite ways ther e are to hurt and break a man. Preparing for all of them Batman (Morrison) e. Corrupt vs. Incorrupt e. l. Joker believes that everyone can be pushed to lunacy e. l. l . Thats how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day/ -Joker (Moore 36) e. ll. Batman is incorruptible e. ll. l . let your devotion to Justice temper your rage Phantom Stranger (Chill) Ill. a. Physique a. l. In most cases, a match a. l. l . Despite his thin frame, the Joker proved incredibly agile, with tremendous endurance and a high threshold for pain. He also displayed remarkable strength for a man his size and actually could match Batman blow for blow for brief periods (Greenberger 198) b. Battle of wits b. l. Batman is unable to physically beat Joker, but traps him mentally b. l. l . an organized mind is a disciplined mind, and a disciplined mind is a powerful mind Batman (Emperor) b. l. 2. b. ll. Jokers schematics makes sense to him alone b. ll. l . Normal criminals have logical motives. The Jokers insane schemes make sense to him alone Batman (Laughing) b. lll. Both want to send message to the people b. lll. l . Joker chaos b. lll. 2. Batman Justice c. Incarceration vs. Escapee C. I. Batman is able to (temporarily) subdue Joker c. l. Believe me Jim, I wish it were true but deep inside, I doubt it Batman (Laughing) c. ll. Joker has the resources to escape c. ll. l . And you are absolutely the man who possesses the gifts to take care of this problem Black Mask (Batman) d. Selflessness vs. Selfishness d. l. Batman wants to protect Gotham City d. l. l . the Batman is having a positive effect on public spirit Commissioner Loeb (Miller 36) d. ll. Joker disrupts for his own reasons (self enjoyment) d. ll. l. Repeatedly kills Batman for fun d. ll. 2. Kicks Harley out window d. ll. 2. a. Only if I do it, idiot Joker (Mad) e. Fear vs. Fearless e. l. Batmans image is meant to instill fear e. l. l . He fired at the creature and the bullet passed straight through the creature like it wasnt there Detective Flass (Miller 35) e. ll. Joker remains seemingly fearless V. Actions a. Preparation vs. Unpredictability a. l. Jokers schematics are unpredictable a. ll. Batman prepares for the unforeseen b. Beneficiary vs. Beneficiaries b. l. Batman maintains allies b. l. l. Robin(s) b. l. 2. Catwoman b. l. 3. Barbara/Oracle b. ll. Joker betrays coworkers b. . l. The Black Glove b. ll. l . a. Im saying adieu dont call me servant -Joker (Morrison) b. ll. 2. Harley Quinn b. ll. 2. a. One of the painful truths of comedy. You always take shots from folks who just dont get the Joke -Joker (Mad) V. Joker should not kill Batman Wltnout Batman, Joker wlll not nave anyone to equal nlm a. l. No Joke, no punchline a. l. l . One cannot seem to exist without the other (Greenberger 194) a. l. 2 . But you have no one to match wits with. No symbol of goodness to corrupt. Without Batman, there can be no Joker Batman (Emperor)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on God

My Father’s Vision Every day since I’ve been born, people have expected so much out of me. Try to imagine waking up in the morning, and not knowing what it is like to be imperfect. Every day I awake with a feeling that I don’t know what I am suppose to do in life. People pull and tug on me from all directions trying to influence my decisions. I live with my mom and my step-dad. I love my family more than anything. They are understanding of whom I am, and what I want to become in life. My step-dad works with his hands, and has taught me all the tricks of the trade. My mom is adored by mostly everyone, and she is just perfect. She gives me the space when I need to try and figure out things, but she is also my mother and I respect her. Respecting my mother is something that I take very seriously. Anyone that does not respect their mother is showing a sign of weakness. My father is a person that I talk to on an everyday basis. We have a very strong relationship that is built around communication. I often do not understand some of my father’s wishes or visions on what he wants me to do in life, but he respects me enough to let me make my own decisions. He is wise, and I know that I should always listen to what he has to say, but I feel like I need to live my life too. I am a young man in the prime of my life and often want to give into temptation, but through the communication between my father and me, I try to understand my role and act appropriately. I don’t understand why my father puts so much pressure on me, and I don’t always want to be put under such scrutiny. Every little thing I do he judges me. If I am talking to a group of people, he is there making sure I am speaking properly. Even when I am out with my friends, I don’t have the freedom to be goofy or just clown around for a while because I am so worried t hat I am going to make a mistake. I try to talk to my friends about the whole situation, but either th... Free Essays on God Free Essays on God My Father’s Vision Every day since I’ve been born, people have expected so much out of me. Try to imagine waking up in the morning, and not knowing what it is like to be imperfect. Every day I awake with a feeling that I don’t know what I am suppose to do in life. People pull and tug on me from all directions trying to influence my decisions. I live with my mom and my step-dad. I love my family more than anything. They are understanding of whom I am, and what I want to become in life. My step-dad works with his hands, and has taught me all the tricks of the trade. My mom is adored by mostly everyone, and she is just perfect. She gives me the space when I need to try and figure out things, but she is also my mother and I respect her. Respecting my mother is something that I take very seriously. Anyone that does not respect their mother is showing a sign of weakness. My father is a person that I talk to on an everyday basis. We have a very strong relationship that is built around communication. I often do not understand some of my father’s wishes or visions on what he wants me to do in life, but he respects me enough to let me make my own decisions. He is wise, and I know that I should always listen to what he has to say, but I feel like I need to live my life too. I am a young man in the prime of my life and often want to give into temptation, but through the communication between my father and me, I try to understand my role and act appropriately. I don’t understand why my father puts so much pressure on me, and I don’t always want to be put under such scrutiny. Every little thing I do he judges me. If I am talking to a group of people, he is there making sure I am speaking properly. Even when I am out with my friends, I don’t have the freedom to be goofy or just clown around for a while because I am so worried t hat I am going to make a mistake. I try to talk to my friends about the whole situation, but either th... Free Essays on God WHO IS GOD? In my life on this planet I have come to question many things that many take on as blind faith. We all know that someday we will ‘physically’ die, Yet, we continuously deny the forces working inside ourselves which want to search out the true outcome of what may or may not come after death. It’s far easier for humanity to accept that they will go on to a safe haven and be forgiven for all, rather than to question the existence of a super omnipotent being. Fortunately, there are some of us who tend to question the why’s and how’s that come before us. We question the creation of humanity and the religious teachings received from our parents, our church and our society. This paper examines the many rational arguments for and against the existence of God. It is based on the views of some of the great philosophers and scientists of our world. I will show that there is no sufficient proof or comprehensive arguments for the existence of God. ONTOLOGICAL AR GUMENTS God generally refers to one supreme, holy, personal being,. The divine unity of ultimate good-ness and of ultimate reality. St. Anselm of Canterbury developed what we have learned to be the ontological argument. He began his argument by saying that even a fool can grasp or understand the concept of â€Å"a being than of which nothing greater can be conceived.† He continues to state that a fool would say that the concept of this being’s existence is only in his mind and in the mind of others but not in reality. However he also admits to the possibility of this being existing in reality. Whatever is understood by the fool is argued that than which nothing is greater can be conceived cannot solely exist in the mind but also in reality, hence, God exists. This personally sounds like a salesperson's pitch to confuse and conquer for a sale. Gaunilo felt the same. He frequently debated with St. Anselm on behalf of the fool. He stated that it was not possible to v...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Together at One Altar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Together at One Altar - Essay Example It provides them a working catechesis on the Eucharist and also allows learning about new translation of Roman Missal. This understanding is necessary to enable students to take active and conscious role in the liturgical celebrations. The information provided at the resource has been grouped into four basic themes including Explore, Craft, Celebrate, Live and the visitors could get hold of the information according to the age group and topic. The resource helps the teachers and parents to make the children well inform and well aware about the concept behind the liturgical formation. It explains each and every step involved in the liturgical ceremonies and also tells them the concept behind all the activities. The resource helps in approaching the minds of the students for making them open to think about liturgy and importance of liturgical formation. It also allows the teachers and parents to explain wide array of information to the children in well-organized manner to eliminate the possibilities of confusing or missing any important related point. Important Features of the resource Understanding the Christian traditions of liturgical spirituality is very important for the children so that the people of today and tomorrow could understand the way of prayers with which the Christians are generally familiar (Bradshaw, 1995) but many still need information and guidance to develop their strong beliefs and concepts while participating in the liturgical ceremonies. For this purpose it is important to get access to the resources that can help teaching the students according to their mind sets and thinking levels so that they become able to understanding the soul of liturgical formation (Baldwin, 1993). The resource contains extensive information about liturgical formation well organized under different sections and topics. The use of graphics makes the information even more interesting and appealing. Since it has been designed for the primary and secondary school stu dents, the basic concepts related with liturgical formation have been explained and explored from the base so that the children could easily understand the basic principles of liturgy and could develop very clear and informed concepts about the liturgical formation. All the four major sections of the resource are devoted to specific themes and under each theme information has been presented in form of rich media focus elements, activities and supporting contents. Furthermore, the links to relate resources are also provides with each topic so that if the students still have some questions unanswered in their mind they can go through the provided links to seek detailed answers of their questions related with that topic. The discussion questions are interesting way to engage the attention of the students towards the resource because it makes them thinking more about the topic and seeking more information to find out the satisfying answer of the questions being asked. Use of Resource in Liturgical Formation Children must be made well aware about the central theme and concept behind the liturgical formation rather simply putting them to participate in these ceremonies. It is very important that right from the childhood individuals gain deep understanding about the soul

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Project Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Project Management Theory - Essay Example A project manager is a person that is responsible for planning, implementing and delivering a project on time and within an allocated budget. A project manager is a multi-skilled professional whose job entails a lot of different roles within a project. The principal role of the project manager is successful completion of a project. His job entails managing the project, business analysis, work design and writing documentation (Lifecyclestep, 2005). He must be able to effectively manage people in order to motivate them and build working relationships to get the most out of his human resources. An efficient utilization of an allocated budget is important since the project manager has to complete the project without going over budget. When a project runs out the money allocated it is at risk of full failure and the project could become sunk costs for the company. Most of the roles and responsibilities of the project manager are illustrated in the list below: The project manager works in a team environment in which he is the person responsible of managing that team. He must motivate the team and utilize his leadership skills to challenge the members and ensure their work complies with the expectations for the project. To better understand the needs of his colleagues he has to listen to them and provide insightful feedback to them. It is important that the workers understand their duties and responsibilities. The project manager has to layout clear guidelines and of what is expected from each member. This is accomplished by good written and verbal communication from the project manager. A company in the process of hiring a project manager must look for a specific set of skills from a professional. An advertisement for a project manager position could look like the example illustrated in the table below: Looking for a motivated project manager with 5-10 experience in various industries with great